Source code for probinet.utils.matrix_operations

This module contains functions that perform matrix operations, such as the Khatri-Rao product.

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from import log_and_raise_error

[docs] def sp_uttkrp_assortative( vals: np.ndarray, subs: Tuple[np.ndarray], m: int, u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray, temporal: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the Khatri-Rao product (sparse version) with the assumption of assortativity. Parameters ---------- vals : ndarray Values of the non-zero entries. subs : tuple Indices of elements that are non-zero. It is a n-tuple of array-likes and the length of tuple n must be equal to the dimension of tensor. m : int Mode in which the Khatri-Rao product of the membership matrix is multiplied with the tensor: if 1 it works with the matrix u; if 2 it works with v. u : ndarray Out-going membership matrix. v : ndarray In-coming membership matrix. w : ndarray Affinity tensor. temporal : bool If True, use the static version of the function. Returns ------- out : ndarray Matrix which is the result of the matrix product of the unfolding of the tensor and the Khatri-Rao product of the membership matrix. """ if len(subs) < 3: log_and_raise_error(ValueError, "subs_nz should have at least 3 elements.") # Determine the shape of the evaluation array D, K = u.shape if m == 1 else v.shape out = np.zeros((D, K)) for k in range(K): # Copy the values to avoid modifying the original array copied_vals = vals.copy() # Select the appropriate indices indices = subs[0] if temporal else 0 # Select the appropriate slice of the affinity tensor w_I = w[indices, k].astype(copied_vals.dtype) # Select the appropriate slice of the membership matrix multiplier_u_v = v[subs[2], k] if m == 1 else u[subs[1], k] # Transform the multiplier to the same data type as the values multiplier_u_v = multiplier_u_v.astype(copied_vals.dtype) # Multiply the values by the affinity tensor slice and the membership matrix slice copied_vals *= w_I * multiplier_u_v # Update the evaluation matrix with the weighted sum of the values out[:, k] += np.bincount(subs[m], weights=copied_vals, minlength=D) return out
[docs] def sp_uttkrp( vals: np.ndarray, subs: Tuple[np.ndarray], m: int, u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray, temporal: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the Khatri-Rao product (sparse version). Parameters ---------- vals : ndarray Values of the non-zero entries. subs : tuple Indices of elements that are non-zero. It is a n-tuple of array-likes and the length of tuple n must be equal to the dimension of tensor. m : int Mode in which the Khatri-Rao product of the membership matrix is multiplied with the tensor: if 1 it works with the matrix u; if 2 it works with v. u : ndarray Out-going membership matrix. v : ndarray In-coming membership matrix. w : ndarray Affinity tensor. temporal : bool Flag to determine if the function should behave in a temporal manner. Returns ------- out : ndarray Matrix which is the result of the matrix product of the unfolding of the tensor and the Khatri-Rao product of the membership matrix. """ if len(subs) < 3: log_and_raise_error(ValueError, "subs_nz should have at least 3 elements.") D, K = 0, None out: np.ndarray = np.array([]) if m < 3: D, K = u.shape if m == 1 else v.shape out = np.zeros((D, K)) else: log_and_raise_error(ValueError, "m should be 1 or 2.") if K is not None: for k in range(K): # Select the appropriate indices indices = subs[0] if temporal else 0 # Copy the values to avoid modifying the original array copied_vals = vals.copy() # Select the appropriate slice of the affinity tensor w_I = w[indices, k, :] if m == 1 else w[indices, :, k] # Ensure that the affinity tensor slice has the same data type as the values w_I = (w_I if temporal else w_I[np.newaxis, :]).astype(copied_vals.dtype) # Select the appropriate slice of the membership matrix multiplier_u_v = v[subs[2], :] if m == 1 else u[subs[1], :] # Ensure that the membership matrix slice has the same data type as the values multiplier_u_v = ( multiplier_u_v.astype(copied_vals.dtype) if temporal else multiplier_u_v ) # Multiply the values by the affinity tensor slice and the membership matrix slice copied_vals *= (w_I * multiplier_u_v).sum(axis=1) # Update the evaluation matrix with the weighted sum of the values out[:, k] += np.bincount(subs[m], weights=copied_vals, minlength=D) return out
[docs] def normalize_nonzero_membership(u: np.ndarray, axis: Optional[int] = 1) -> np.ndarray: """ Given a matrix, it returns the same matrix normalized by row. Parameters ---------- u: ndarray Numpy Matrix. axis: Optional[int] Axis along which the matrix should be normalized. Returns ------- The matrix normalized by row. """ # Calculate the sum of elements along axis 1, keeping the same dimensions. den1 = u.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) # Identify the positions where den1 is equal to 0 and create a boolean mask. nzz = den1 == 0.0 # Replace the elements in den1 corresponding to positions where it is 0 # with 1 to avoid division by zero. den1[nzz] = 1.0 # Normalize the matrix u by dividing each element by the corresponding sum along axis 1. return u / den1
[docs] def transpose_matrix(M: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the transpose of a matrix. Parameters ---------- M : ndarray Numpy matrix. Returns ------- Transpose of the matrix. """ # Return the transpose of a matrix return np.einsum("ij->ji", M)
[docs] def transpose_tensor(M: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Given M tensor, it returns its transpose: for each dimension a, compute the transpose ij->ji. Parameters ---------- M : ndarray Tensor with the mean lambda for all entries. Returns ------- Transpose version of M_aij, i.e. M_aji. """ return np.einsum("aij->aji", M)
[docs] def Exp_ija_matrix(u: np.ndarray, v: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the mean lambda0_ij for all entries. Parameters ---------- u : ndarray Out-going membership matrix. v : ndarray In-coming membership matrix. w : ndarray Affinity matrix. Returns ------- M : ndarray Mean lambda0_ij for all entries. """ # Compute the outer product of matrices u and v, resulting in a 4D tensor M. # Dimensions of M: (number of rows in u) x (number of columns in v) x # (number of rows in u) x (number of columns in v) M = np.einsum("ik,jq->ijkq", u, v) # Multiply the 4D tensor M element-wise with the 2D tensor w along the last dimension. # Dimensions of w: (number of columns in v) x (number of columns in w) # Resulting tensor after the einsum operation: (number of rows in u) x (number of rows in u) M = np.einsum("ijkq,kq->ij", M, w) return M