
Class definition of the reciprocity generative models with the member functions required.


eq_c(c, M, N, E, rho_a, mu)

Compute the value of a function used to find the value of the sparsity parameter 'c'.

membership_vectors(rng[, L1, eta, alpha, ...])

Compute the NxK membership vectors u, v using a Dirichlet or a Gamma distribution.


SyntheticDynCRep(N, K[, T, eta, L, ...])

A class to generate a synthetic network using the DynCRep models.

class probinet.synthetic.dynamic.SyntheticDynCRep(N: int, K: int, T: int = 1, eta: float = 0.0, L: int = 1, avg_degree: float = 5.0, verbose: int = 0, beta: float = 0.2, ag: float = 1.0, bg: float = 0.5, eta_dir: float = 0.5, L1: bool = True, corr: float = 1.0, over: float = 0.0, label: str | None = None, end_file: str = '.dat', folder: Path = PosixPath('outputs'), structure: str = 'assortative', output_parameters: bool = False, output_adj: bool = False, outfile_adj: str | None = None, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (7, 7), fontsize: int = 15, ExpM: ndarray | None = None, rng: Generator | None = None)[source]#

A class to generate a synthetic network using the DynCRep models.

Exp_ija_matrix(u, v, w)[source]#

Compute the expected adjacency matrix for the DynCRep models.

  • u (np.ndarray) – Outgoing membership matrix.

  • v (np.ndarray) – Incoming membership matrix.

  • w (np.ndarray) – Affinity tensor.


Exp_ija – Expected adjacency matrix.

Return type:


check_reciprocity_tm1(A: List[coo_matrix]) None[source]#

Check the reciprocity of the adjacency matrices at time t and t-1.


A (List[scipy.sparse.coo_matrix]) – List of adjacency matrices for each time step.


Generate a directed, possibly weighted network by using DynCRep.

  1. Generate a network A[0].

  2. Extract A[t] entries (network edges) using transition probabilities.


parameters (dict) – Latent variables eta, beta, u, v and w.


G – NetworkX DiGraph object. Self-loops allowed.

Return type:


probinet.synthetic.dynamic.eq_c(c: float, M: ndarray, N: int, E: int, rho_a: float, mu: float) float[source]#

Compute the value of a function used to find the value of the sparsity parameter ‘c’.

  • c (float) – The sparsity parameter.

  • M (np.ndarray) – The matrix representing the expected number of edges between each pair of nodes.

  • N (int) – The number of nodes in the network.

  • E (int) – The expected total number of edges in the network.

  • rho_a (float) – The expected proportion of reciprocal edges in the network.

  • mu (float) – The proportion of reciprocal edges in the Erdos-Renyi network.


The value of the function for the given parameters.

Return type:


probinet.synthetic.dynamic.membership_vectors(rng: Generator, L1: bool = False, eta: float = 0.5, alpha: float = 0.6, beta: float = 1, K: int = 2, N: int = 100, corr: float = 0.0, over: float = 0.0) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]#

Compute the NxK membership vectors u, v using a Dirichlet or a Gamma distribution.

  • rng (np.random.Generator) – Random number generator container.

  • L1 (bool) – Flag for parameter generation method. True for Dirichlet, False for Gamma.

  • eta (float) – Parameter for Dirichlet.

  • alpha (float) – Parameter (alpha) for Gamma.

  • beta (float) – Parameter (beta) for Gamma.

  • K (int) – Number of communities.

  • N (int) – Number of nodes.

  • corr (float) – Correlation between u and v synthetically generated.

  • over (float) – Fraction of nodes with mixed membership.


uNumpy array

Matrix NxK of out-going membership vectors, positive element-wise. Possibly None if in pure SpringRank or pure Multitensor. With unitary L1 norm computed row-wise.

vNumpy array

Matrix NxK of in-coming membership vectors, positive element-wise. Possibly None if in pure SpringRank or pure Multitensor. With unitary L1 norm computed row-wise.

Return type:

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]