Class spatial_transformation::EulerTransform

class EulerTransform

Represents a 3d transformation as translation vector and Euler angles.

The convention used for the Euler angles is extrinsic xyz. Note that these are actually not proper Euler angles but Tait-Bryan (or Cardan) angles. However, the name “Euler” is often used for them as well and probably better known, so we’ll stick with this name here.

Public Functions


Construct identity transformation.

EulerTransform(const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf)

Construct from an isometry transformation.


Construct identity transformation.

EulerTransform(const Eigen::Isometry3d &tf)

Construct from an isometry transformation.

Public Members

Eigen::Vector3d translation

Translational part of the transform.

Eigen::Vector3d euler_xyz

Rotational part of the transform in extrinsic xyz Euler angles [radian].